
Back from the Finishers

The first of several finishes--my brother's mini-sock which will one Christmas be a part of a Christmas garland adorned with mini-socks for every family member.  Surprisingly, the turn around time ended up being about the same rate as pre-pandemic--28 August 2021- 16 March 2022

Mini-sock for my brother

Kneeler, Day 1

I decided to put the kneeler on a scroll frame, as stitching in-hand, just wasn't working for me.  The sizing in the canvas coupled with stitching with wool really dries out the hands.  Mom and I headed to see Gayle Anderson at Fancy Stitches in Cleburne to pick up some needlepoint goodies.  Miss Gayle helped me find an appropriate scroll frame and taped my edges--all 12 1/2 feet of the canvas.  I decided I wanted a special needleminder to accompany this special, in memoriam canvas.  Upon getting everything set up at home, I was able to begin stitching.  My plan is dedicate an hour a day to stitching this canvas and will document my progress here.  So here's Day One's stitching and that gorgeous needleminder.

16 March 2022 

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